TSX:V CERT $0.44 6.02%

OTCMKTS: CRDOF $0.30 0.00%

Spot Gold: $2,748.70 0.00%


Property Summary

The Michelle project is located [95km] southwest from Cerrado’s La Paloma and the existing operations at Minera Don Nicolas. The property includes 14,285 Ha of concessions, located along strike to the Northeast and contiguous to Anglo Gold’s (ANGLO:LSE) operating Cerro Vangaurdia Mine. The concessions are also boarded to the South East by Fredonia Mines and the the North east by E2 Metals.

Argentina Deseado Massiff
Argentina Deseado Massiff

Key Facts

  • Bounded Mid-strike between Anglo Golds 8Moz Cerro Vanguagia Mine
  • Recent Discoveries to the NW (E2 Metals: Mia, Monseratt) & SW (Fredonia: El Dorado)
  • Over 14,000 ha of exploration concessions
  • >30 Km of potential high-grade Ag and Au bearing veins mapped from surface
  • Minimal exploration to date
  • Initial program initiated include Trenching, IP, drilling and IP

The Project is characterised by swarms of low sulphidation quartz veins totalling over [30km] mapped at surface. Towards the southeast the veins are covered by a basaltic cover but outcrops again on the concession currently controlled by Fredonia Mine Inc.

Cerrado has conducted spectral analysis and identified both geophysical and at Structural targets on trend from E2s Mia and Malvina discoveries as well as potential SW-NE structural trends continuing from Fredonias El Dorado Monseratt properties.

During 2022, Cerrado will advance the project through a combination of additional IP work;s, trenching and an exploratory drill campaign].

Overhead Shot of Michelle Poperty

The Project is characterised by swarms of low sulphidation quartz veins totalling over [30km] mapped at surface. Towards the southeast the veins are covered by a basaltic cover but outcrops again on the concession currently controlled by Fredonia Mine Inc.